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Name:GE-602 series cement kiln gas analysis system

Suitable for cement kiln room temperature point analysis

Preheater outlet: CO, NOX, O2

(Monitoring the combustion status, and CO safety monitoring)

Kiln dust collector: CO

Pulverized coal storage system: CO, O2

Coal mill dust collector: CO, O2

Suitable for high temperature point analysis of cement kiln

Used to analyze the tail gas of cement kiln rotary kiln: CO, NOX, O2, etc.

Decomposition kiln gas analysis: CO, CO2, O2, etc.

Sampling point temperature: 1400℃

Sample dust: <2000g/m3

Suitable for cement kiln room temperature point analysis

Preheater outlet: CO, NOX, O2

(Monitoring the combustion status, and CO safety monitoring)

Kiln dust collector: CO

Pulverized coal storage system: CO, O2

Coal mill dust collector: CO, O2

Suitable for high temperature point analysis of cement kiln

Used to analyze the tail gas of cement kiln rotary kiln: CO, NOX, O2, etc.

Decomposition kiln gas analysis: CO, CO2, O2, etc.

Sampling point temperature: 1400℃

Sample dust: <2000g/m3

GE-602 series cement kiln gas analysis system is mainly used in cement kilns, lime kilns and other industries. For high humidity, high temperature, high dust and other harsh environments, the entire system realizes automatic sampling, automatic purge, and chain control protection functions. , It plays a very important role in saving energy consumption, improving product quality, safe production and environmentally friendly emissions in cement production.

cement kiln gas analysis system

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